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Jamia National Foundation in its sincere efforts would like to be the change maker and partner with the government to work for a better tomorrow. And the most effective way to transform the lives of the downtrodden would be through education.

Why Jamia National Foundation?

Despite government's resolve and implementation of public welfare schemes since independence of India, the problem of empowerment of the Downtrodden and the Voiceless still remains the biggest challenge for all of us. A critical look at the scenario poses several questions including whether it's the role of an elected government alone or the non-government organizations should also come forward and participate effectively in transforming lives of the silently suffering families waiting for the big day for their upliftment? We, at Jamia National Foundation (JNF) feel unless the non-government organizations come forward, mobilize their resources and become partner in government’s resolve to bring change, on-ground reality will continue to remain unchanged. Jamia National Foundation in its sincere efforts would like to be the change maker and partner with the government to work for a better tomorrow. And the most effective way to transform the lives of the downtrodden would be through education. Therefore, JNF would work tirelessly in developing educational infrastructure, adopt institutions and initiate proiects where children would be supported to continue their education, encourage them through scholarships and ensure that no child from the Voiceless families, is left from receiving education and become aware of his role and duties as a responsible citizen of the country. Jamia National Foundation would also like to address the immediate problem of the countless families gripped by acute illness but can’t afford the medical treatment as the school fee of their children has to be paid. These families are the worst sufferers as unlike the poor who as a general practice show their pain to seek monetary help, the self-respect of the silent sufferers doesn’t let them stretch their arm in front of others. This endeavor with nation-building spirit, we believe, would play a pivotal role in transforming lives to empower India in true sense.

Our Inspiration

Mirza Faridul Hasan Beg

Mirza Faridul Hasan Beg, a name that conjures up vivid images of resilience and compassion for the humanity, is one of the finest examples of the social transformation in the life of the Voiceless and the Underprivileged of India. Born in 1936 in Azamgarh, UP, he was affectionately called as ‘Mitthu’ among his close friends and relatives. He completed his basic education from Azamgarh and moved to Delhi for higher education and procured his bachelor’s degree in social work from Jamia Milla Islamia. Equipped with his degree in social work, he worked with JMI for a short period followed by another short stint with Delhi Government. Mirza Faridul Hasan Beg’s passion for helping the needy grew as time passed by. He studied the lives of many freedom fighters and important national and international personalities.... He was immensely inspired by India’s third President Dr. Zakir Husain and wished to meet him. Once, by chance, Dr. Zakir Hussain was passing by, and found that some young boys were sitting at Tikona Park and discussing their thoughts about nationalist leaders. Suddenly someone petted on young Mirza Faridul Hasan Beg’s back and said, “Khaaksaar ko Zakir Husain kehte hain.” The man was none other than Dr Zakir Husain himself. After this surprise-meeting, Mirza Faridul Hasan Beg met Dr. Zakir Husain couple of time and during one of their meetings, Mirza Faridul Hasan Beg said to him that he wanted to do something big but didn’t have the required sagacity to do so. Hearing this Dr. Zakir Hussain said, “If you have no talent, adopt the service to mankind and the success will follow you. (Agar liyaaqat nahi hai to khidmat ko apna lo),” This mantra had a magical effect on young Mirza Faridul Hasan Beg’s mind. After that he was often found contemplating ways and means to satiate his craving for social work. He wanted to do something transformational for the lives of the poor. He noticed that people of Jamia were living in unhygienic and inhumane conditions. They were struggling for better life. He thought of a plan to rehabilitate them into an authorized colony where their life conditions could be improved. He discussed the idea with his close friends and went ahead to get a Group Housing Society registered in the name of Dr. Zakir Hussain. Close to Sarai Jullena and New Friends Colony, a land was identified and with the struggle of several years, Dr. Zakir Hussain Memorial Group Housing Society was ready with its architectural project Zakir Bagh. True to its name, Zakir Bagh, this residential society became a perfect example of India’s composite culture and continued to accommodate 204 families from different backgrounds and diverse faiths. Back home in Azamgarh, in the loving memory of his elder brother Mirza Ehsanullah Beg, he established Mirza Ehsanullah Girls Degree College and ushered in an educational revolution in that region. He also encouraged people to lay emphasis on communication and interaction. And to prove the efficacy of his thought, he went ahead to set up a radio channel ‘Voice of Azamgarh’ that still continues to share meaningful information with its target audience, connect them with latest developments in the region and help people benefit from government run schemes. In the year 1994, Mirza Faridul Hasan Beg saw the plight of the poor families of Jamia Nagar suffering from poverty and struggling to arrange finance to start their small scale works. Ironically, no bank or financial institution was ready to support their dreams. Their applications were rejected without any valid reason. He was moved by their condition and his heart became restless. He made a resolve to start a bank that could support the poor in need, and help them become self-sufficient. In the year 1995 he founded Jamia Cooperative bank Limited which after a long period of struggle, established as a major support to the poor and downtrodden, seeking financial help to start business, take education loan, getting a house financed and many other forms and categories of loans. Today. JCBL is a well-established financial institution with 8 branches, 85,000 account holders and 15,000 share holders. Like all mortal things come to an end one day, Mirza Faridul Hasan Beg too, was not an exception. His life was cut short on 6th May, 2015 and he moved to his heavenly abode, leaving behind his most important asset: the ideology of social work and preparing future generations for a better tomorrow. Inspired by his father’s passion for social work, Mirza Faridul Hasan Beg’s son Mirza Qamarul Hasan Beg took an initiative to take his father’s mission forward. After a long contemplation in 2019, he founded Jamia National Foundation to help mankind in need and transform lives through education. This foundation comprising an esteemed board of members and headed by none other than Justice MSA Siddiqui, is working tirelessly to support students unable to afford their school fee. To translate Mirza Faridul Hasan Beg’s dream into reality while cutting all the barriers of caste, creed and religion, the Foundation is focused and dedicated to educational upliftment of the downtrodden. Interactive programmes are devised and being run to invite contribution and raise funds to support education, develop related infrastructure and run modules to empower the beneficiaries so that future generations are raised with right education, become responsible citizens and contribute to nation’s growth. Today, Mirza Faridul Hasan Beg isn’t among us as a physical entity, but his vision for a better society and prosperous India still continues to inspire millions of people of the current generation and will continue to guide the future generations too.

Our Vision

Jamia National Foundation (JNF) would like to see a transformed India where the Voiceless and the Economically Weaker Sections are empowered to afford education and healthcare easily and live in perfect harmony while contributing to nation's growth happily.


Jamia National Foundation in its sincere efforts would like to be the change maker and partner with the government to work for a better tomorrow. And the most effective way to transform the lives of the downtrodden would be through education.

The Mission Statement

Jamia National Foundation (JNF) is dedicated to transform lives of the Economically Weaker Sections of Indian society where education and healthcare are provided without any compromise. Irrespective of caste, creed and religion, the foundation will establish educational institutions, healthcare centers and develop supporting infrastructure to empower the actual needy of our society.