President's Message

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President's Message

It gives me immense pleasure to share with all the well- wishers of humanity in need, especially the voiceless and the downtrodden of our society that Jamia National Foundation (JNF), is established to contribute to the transformation and empowerment of economically weaker sections of our society through education. I would also like to congratulate you all for evoking such noble spirit and investing sincere efforts into establishment of Jamia National Foundation, which to all of us, is a dream come true. As President of JNF, I see it as a great opportunity to reach out to the needy and bring real change in our society. Although our Government is running several schemes to benefit the needy, yet there is a big vacuum on ground that needs immediate attention. This is where, we, at this Foundation, can play a pivotal role in transforming lives primarily through education. To begin with, we would like to support meritorious students from weaker economic backgrounds, nurturing talents, establish, acquire, assist, run and administer educational establishments, vocational schools, institutions, colleges and universities with or without residential facilities. Therefore, I urge you all to come forward, realize your responsibility more generously and make a difference to the lives of the needy and the downtrodden.